Washington DC Lomo Style

Went to DC recently to visit a friend. Decided to edit these photos à la LOMO. Oversaturated colors, vignettes, blurry and faded edges, etc. My photos are perhaps not as extreme as other LOMO images, but still edited with the LOMO spirit in mind.

Washington DC, pots and pans
A friend's home

Washington DC, bookshelf

Washington DC, homemade feast

Washington DC, dog in suitcase

Washington DC, 3 Stars Brewing Company
3 Stars Brewing Company

Washington DC, Washington National Cathedral
Washington National Cathedral

Washington DC, Washington National Cathedral, inside top floor
Top floor of Washington National Cathedral

Washington DC, Open City Coffeehouse ceiling
Open City Coffeehouse

Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Memorial

Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial steps

Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial

Washington DC, National WWII Memorial
National World War II Memorial

Washington DC, Albert Einstein memorialWashington DC, Albert Einstein memorial
Albert Einstein Memorial

Washington DC, painted truck height=