
I went to my recital yesterday, and I feel like sharing what happened.

I arrive at the end of the first part of the recital. I see a good mix of white people and eastern asians and think "Thank God there are a decent number of white people! Eastern asians are so talented at music, they intimidate me."* I hear the last two performers and they're great. The type of great that comes from years of playing the instrument and practicing like any normal child should.

Then MY half of the recital starts.

All the white people leave and I'm the only one who's not eastern-asian. I'm 9 of 14 in the playing order. When #8 goes up, she plays her piece perfectly, with the melody crystal clear and the timing perfect. When it's my turn to play, I play so horribly that I cringe at the noise I create (perhaps I'm too hard on myself). The boy who goes after me is both younger and better. In fact, most of the people who play after me are younger than me.

And then the finale! I'm in for a treat because this recital ends with two concertos, the first played by a boy not much older then me, the second by some girl who hasn't even gone through puberty. They're not just great, like the two who ended the other half of the recital. They're exceptional! They're up to par with professionals! Both of them play at lightning speed and pound the keys so hard that the grand piano shakes. They create waves of music, an endless euphony of sound, and their fingers simply glide over the piano like its the easiest task in the world. It's a level I'll never attain. Hell, I'll be lucky if I can play like that 12 year old who went after me.

So it was thoroughly enlightening and depressing at the same time. I think I enjoy experiencing the arts much more than performing the arts.

*That's a compliment. Really. I think they've somehow managed to get rid of all the unartistic genes.

I usually favor a bright, saturated style. Thought I'd try something different.
