This year I'm involved with the Undergraduate Chemistry Council (UCC). It's a smaller club, which is nice, and I get to be secretary and take minutes and help publicize events. Every year we have two main shows, a Halloween show and a beach show, involving the chemistry department's sweetheart Eberhard. He does demos for the general chemistry students and we all love him. What follows are some pictures from this year's show. I had to help with the food, which means I only got to see about 15 minutes of the actual show, but I still took photos galore.
We had muchos drinks. Waaay to many drinks.
Getting ready for the show and having fun
The man of the hour, Eberhard, getting some grub before his awesome show
Many of his demos involved fires or explosions of some sort
Left: The enormous crowd Right: The last demo of the night, a huge explosion with those balloons
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