I've finally narrowed down the colleges I'll apply to and/or visit. The thought of being rejected scares me. I can't even get hired anywhere (with no previous work experience and all the other commitments I have over summer, nobody wants me). So will any college want me!?
Toledo cont.
My two roomates - Krystin on the left and Emily on the right
Raj, modeling Krystin's purse
The Spanish seem to like their palaces. The Ham Palace...The Smoking Palace...
That is a REAL human being.
These strange caricatures were scattered throughout the major cities.
If you gave them money, you were allowed to take pictures of them.
The store Mango.
I didn't even buy anything here, but I just loved looking at everything.
My first night shots - taken on a ferry.
On the first floor of the boat there was loud music accompanied by a dancing mass of teens.
The second floor had chairs to sit down and relax in, and for the dork who hates dancing - a haven to snap some shots.
Haha, such a good story behind this photo. The streets in Toledo are VERY narrow. Our bus driver, Nieves, was backing up so she could pull in to the street right near our hotel. Although Nieves was one kick-ass driver, it was dark, and she obviously couldn't see that there was a big flippin' traffic light behind her. So, she hit the light and bent it backwards. The students all started laughing as soon as we realized what had happened, but Nieves started crying, afraid the authorities would find out and she would lose her license. Not to worry though, some of the boys simply pushed the traffic light back into it's perpendicular state. The next day – the day the city ironically started to repair the traffic light – we left Toledo. |
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