
AP Exams

I took two AP tests last week:

  1. Government - Easier then I thought it'd be. This is my weakest class, but I actually knew the essay responses.
  2. BC Calc - Holy shit. Wtf was up with the free response? I thought I'd have trouble on the multiple choice and blow right through the free-response because that's generally what happened during the past two weeks of review. It flip-flopped. The free-response questions were ridiculously hard. Agh!


Lots of low angle architecture photos in this post. Can't help myself - the buildings there are just so tall and statuesque.


Valle de los CaĆ­dos. Not in Segovia, but taken on the same day trip.


Colleen and a rather petite knight

Segovia's main cathedral






The Aqueducts of Segovia
