Montreal - Museums and Notre Dame

Lost Passions

I have played the piano for eight years, taken Spanish for five years, and played around with photography for four years. But now that high school is over and I'm starting anew, I don't know where I'm going with any of it.

It almost seems pointless at this point in my life to continue with piano and photography in particular. Why bother with piano when I don't plan on having any sort of career in music? Why continue photography when the upgrades I want to explore lighting and studio photography are so financially draining, and when I just don't seem inspired by taking photos anymore? Sure, there's this sense of achievement when I finally master a new piece or take a great photo, but so what? I think I'd be just as happy without the two, with books and Spanish to fill the void.

And while I'm still hungry to gain fluency in Spanish, there's always this fear that I will never master the language. That no matter how many Spanish CDs I get from the library, how many English movies I subtitle in Spanish, how many stories I read in Spanish, and how much exposure I get to the language, I'll always have to pause and think about what word to use and the grammatical correctness of my sentence.

For now, I think I'll at least try to dabble in piano even though I won't have private lessons. I'm bringing my keyboard to my dorm, so hopefully I can occasionally learn new songs.  With photography, I'll give it another year or so. Maybe I'll finally meet some photographer in person who can be a mentor and teach me more. Or maybe at the end of the year, my interest will just fizzle out. Who knows? We'll see how things pan out at the end of the year.

Montreal - Museums and Notre Dame

Church of Notre Dame

The science musuem and kid with mohawk at science musuem

Sophie is just a cute, little bundle of fun

The karaoke room in the Museum of Modern Art

Sophie stayed in there for quite a bit of time singing along to weird Eastern Asian songs.
Long enough to bore Mike who was begging her to leave and finally just decided to take a nap.
